Why did they wage war in iraq ,afganistan ,libya and now syria ,not to forget the occupation and attack on palestine ,the still on going battle ,does this depict a fear of being intimidated by the arab nation of ruling the future ,whenever there is a rising power or nation from the arab league they destroy it and bring it down . israel and america fear of being conquered and loosing power to the rising arab nations and behave like terrorists waging war on innocent civilians . as much ignorance there is spread inside america the americans have low iq levels and no power to logic n reason ,to take a stand on anytin their government does. americans are like zombies of the 20th century and muted to pain and suffering around the world. and israel the key behind americas political moves are the mastermind to a much planned genocide putting america on the front face.the political system of america n israel has to be broken as they think they are invincible together.every evil war crime they plot will soon hit back israel and the united states of america .
Americas genocidal war on IRAQ :
When considering the number of civilian casualties during the Iraq occupation
2003-2013, it would be a good idea to use
the scientific studies of the Lancet, ORB or even BBC to estimate the number of
victims of the Iraq war. We shouldn't use media related counts like
IraqBodyCount or CostOfWar. This is very unfair towards the hundreds of
thousands Iraqi victims of the Iraqi catastrophe. Every death of this illegal
occupation should be remembered, not only the soldiers of the invading and
occupying powers.
A study, published in prestigious medical journal The Lancet, estimated that
over 600,000 Iraqis had been killed as a result of the invasion as of July 2006.
Iraqis have continued to be killed since then. Since the researchers at Johns
Hopkins estimated that 601,000 violent Iraqi deaths were attributable to the
U.S.-led invasion as of July 2006, it necessarily does not include Iraqis who
have been killed since then. http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/node/156
has updated this number both to provide a more relevant day-to-day estimate of
the Iraqi dead and to emphasize that the human tragedy mounts each day this
brutal war continues. Their counter stopped in 2010 at 1.455.590 civilian
The estimate that over a million Iraqis have died received independent
confirmation from a prestigious British polling agency in January 2008. Opinion
Research Business estimated that the death toll between March 2003 and August
2007 was 1,033,000.
bombing campaign directed against "terrorists" or the people of Afghanistan?
ANSWER: This is a
war against the people of Afghanistan. The U.S. and British are dropping
thousands of bombs and firing missiles on homes, schools, mosques, hospitals
and villages throughout the country.
1,000-pound to 15,000-pound
bombs are deliberately targeting every major town and rural area. AC-130
Specter gunships filled with ammunition are firing huge Gatling guns on the
population in a steady stream of bullets. On Oct. 22, in the village of
Chowkar-Karez, dozens of civilians were killed. CNN quoted an "unnamed" Pentagon
official as saying, "The people there are dead because we wanted them dead."
(Toronto Globe and Mail, Nov. 3, 2001)
Wazir Akbarhan hospital in
Kabul was bombed on the first day and 13 women were killed in the gynecology
department. 200 people were killed in the hospital in Herat. Red Cross
facilities were bombed twice in Kabul on Oct. 16.
Cluster bombs--one of the
most terrifying and deadly of the U.S. weapons--are now being used as bombing
intensifies. Hundreds of small bomblets packed with razor shrapnel are dispersed
at super-high velocity over a wide area, ripping into people with devastating
damage. Cluster bombs are prohibited by the Geneva Convention, because of their
indiscriminate nature (Protocol 1, Relating to the Protection of Victims of
International Armed Conflicts, Article 51).
A report from the Sydney
Morning Herald (Oct. 26, 2001) quotes Dan Kelly, head of UN mine clearing in
Afghanistan: "These bomblets can explode if the villagers so much as touch them.
It is a very violent death. You don't get arms and legs blown off like you do
with anti- personnel mines, you get killed." Civilians are being deliberately
targeted throughout the country. Another deplorable U.S. tactic is repeat
bombing to kill rescue personnel. In Jalalabad, the Sultanpur mosque was bombed
during prayer. As neighbors dug out 17 victims who were trapped, the plane
returned to bomb minutes later, killing 120 people ("Where the Bodies Are," Oct.
23, 2001, Geov Parrish, workingforchange.com)
Cluster bombs, depleted
uranium ammunition, 15,000-pound "Daisy cutter" fuel-air explosives: this is
the terror being unleashed by the biggest military power in the world against
one of the poorest and most underdeveloped countries in existence.
QUESTION: What is the
current state of the Afghan people?
ANSWER: The average
life expectancy in Afghanistan is 43 years. Per capita income is $180 per year.
Only 13 percent of the entire population has access to drinking water. Barely
12% of the population has sanitation coverage. Literacy is only 20 percent. The
infant- mortality rate is a shocking 247 deaths per 1,000 live births. On
average, 16,000 mothers die in childbirth every year, one out of every 17
births, the second worst maternal mortality rate in the world.
It's not just the bombs are
killing people. The dislocation and chaos of the war itself means huge numbers
of Afghan people will die from hunger, cold and disease. According to UNICEF
officials, more than 100,000 Afghan children will likely die from war-related
causes by the end of winter.
QUESTION: Isn't the war
in Afghanistan a defensive reaction to the Sept. 11 attacks?
ANSWER: After Sept.
11, the U.S. immediately targeted all of Afghanistan and added to its "enemies"
list any country or organization that didn't fully support the U.S. government
on terrorism. Afghanistan agreed to negotiate but asked for proof of the
culpability of Osama bin Laden in the September 11 attack. The Bush
administration responded that they wouldn't negotiate and they refused to
provide the evidence. Was it really because the U.S. wanted to combat
terrorism? Or is it because the U.S. made a calculated decision to use the
terrible Sept. 11 attack as justification for a Pentagon move to expand its
domination in the Middle East and South/Central Asia?
One only needs to look at
the U.S. policy toward Iraq for a clue. The real motive for the 1991 U.S. war on
Iraq and continued sanctions against the Iraqi people is to gain full control of
the Persian/Arabian Gulf oil. Two-thirds of the world's known oil reserves lie
in that region. The U.S. Gulf War allowed the Pentagon to establish numerous
military bases in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and elsewhere.
What is less known is the
vast interests of U.S. oil, banking and military corporations in South and
Central Asia as the next strategic region for oil and natural gas exploitation.
The Caspian Region--made up
of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan--has a potential value
in oil and natural gas of more than $5 trillion. These former Soviet states
share a border with Afghanistan, and are precisely the countries that the U.S.
military has now established bases and troops. The U.S. militarization of the
region began before September 11; now it is going full-scale. A Unocal Oil Corp.
spokesperson, Vice President John J. Maresca testified to the House of
Representatives Committee on International Relations, February 12, 1998. He
said, "the Caspian region contains tremendous untapped hydrocarbon reserves
…proven natural gas reserves … equal more than 236 trillion cubic feet. … [oil
reserves] estimates are as high as 200 billion barrels."
The CIA "set up a secret
task force to monitor the region's politics and gauge its wealth. Covert CIA
officers, some well-trained petroleum engineers had traveled through southern
Russia and the Caspian region to sniff out potential oil reserves. When the
policy makers heard the CIA report, [then Secretary of State] Madeleine Albright
concluded that 'working to mold the area's future is one of the most exciting
things we can do.'" (Time Magazine, May 1998).
The Pentagon has been
seeking to link the region's governments into a military alliance connected to
NATO's so-called "Partnership for Peace." These former states of the Soviet
Union became open to unbridled exploitation for their oil and gas resources by
firms whose directors are ex-U.S. military and political leaders. Former Reagan,
Bush and Clinton advisers like Gen. Brent Scowcroft and Zbigniew Brzezinski,
former White House Chief of Staff John N. Sununu; former Defense Secretary
Richard Cheney, Secretary of State James Baker, former Clinton treasury
secretary, Lloyd Bentsen, all have become oil and gas company executives
involved in the Caspian Region. (Washington Post, July 6, 1997)
QUESTION: Isn't the U.S.
trying to stabilize the region by eliminating a "network of terrorists"?
ANSWER: This is the
most dangerous myth of all. More war, bombing and assassinations will only
create more violence, death and economic crisis. The death of thousands in New
York must not be used to justify what the United States is doing in Afghanistan
and to hide what it has done and continues to do to the Iraqi and Palestinian
There is enormous anger in
the Middle East that every month, between 8,000 and 12,000 people--5,000 of them
children under five--die in Iraq as a direct result of the U.S. sanctions. This
has gone on for 11 years! This crime of genocide has been hidden from the U.S.
people but it is well known among the people of the Middle East. And now U.S.
officials are urging a new war on Iraq.
Over 800 Palestinians have
been killed and 16,000 seriously wounded since the second Intifada began in
September 2000. Their homes are bulldozed as they try to defend themselves
against the brutal and long-standing Israeli occupation of their land. Every
bullet, every helicopter, every F-15 and F-16 came from the United States.
Every year, the U.S. continues to fund Israel by $4 billion. This is unabashed
terrorism, and more and more people in the world are calling for an end to
U.S.-Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people.
QUESTION: Why does the
anti-war movement say that there is also a war at home?
ANSWER: Thousands of
Arab people, South Asian people and Muslims have been violently attacked inside
the United States. Homes, mosques and stores have been defaced. People of Arab
and South Asian descent have been put off airplanes. Main media outlets, like
the Wall Street Journal, have called for legitimizing racial profiling. This is
racism pure and simple. After Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City Federal
building in 1995, killing 168 people, there was no campaign to take white males
off of airplanes because people felt "uncomfortable in their presence." White
men were not rounded up and held without charges. Since September 11, however,
more than 1,100 people, mostly of South Asian and Middle East origin, have been
detained for up to five weeks, many without charges.
Under the rubric of
anti-terrorism, ultra-racist Attorney General John Ashcroft has pushed through
the so-called anti-terrorism bill, labeled USA Patriots Bill. Only Senator
Russell D. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, voted against this bill in the
Senate, arguing that it allows unconstitutional searches and punishes
individuals for vaguely defined associations with "possible terrorists." This
bill legalizes racial profiling, eliminates due process for arrested people, and
allows the government to vastly expand the definition of terrorist to
potentially include millions of people who might want to protest U.S. government
policy, and allows the government to detain immigrants without charges. In
addition, it eliminates basic privacy rights, allowing the government to have
nearly limitless authority to carry out electronic surveillance and wire taps
of anyone it deems "suspicious."
U.S. plans for secret
military tribunals of civilians is an extremely dangerous precedent and must be
opposed by all.
QUESTION: Is it true
that the U.S. is considering legalizing torture against suspects in detention?
ANSWER: Shocking,
but true. The FBI and the Justice Department under John Ashcroft are considering
using torture as an approved policy of the United States against those in
detention who assert their legal rights to remain silent. According to the
Washington Post, the U.S. government is discussing using "pressure tactics, such
as those employed occasionally by Israeli interrogators to extract information."
(See www.justiceonline.org for more information.) Israeli-style pressure tactics
is just a euphemism for torture. According to a 1998 report by B'Tselem, an
Israeli-based human rights organization, interrogation tactics include a
combination of sleep deprivation, isolation, psychological torment and direct
physical force, including beatings, violent shaking, painful shackling and use
of objects designed or used to inflict extreme pain. A prisoner may be shackled
to a specially modified chair (to cause pain) with his or her head covered with
a filthy sack that has an overwhelming stench of vomit or human refuse.
Interrogations routinely span months, with constant intermittent periods of
interrogation and force lasting for days without interruption.
Pentagon censoring the news?
ANSWER: Almost all
news presented on television and in the mass media is only the information the
Pentagon wants you to know. The Pentagon is well aware that during the Vietnam
War when the people learned the truth about the war and that the government was
lying to them (1970 Pentagon Papers, etc.), people turned against the war. The
U.S. government's National Mapping and Imaging Agency has signed a contract
giving it exclusive control over all satellite imaging of the war in
Afghanistan. They bought the commercial rights to all satellites on October 7,
the day the bombing of Afghanistan began.
bombing war is not the answer, what is the answer?
ANSWER: The tens of
thousands of troops that occupy Saudi Arabia and the Persian Arabian Gulf should
be removed. The people of the region perceive the U.S. as an occupying,
colonial-type force. The U.S. must immediately and completely end the policy of
sanctions on Iraq. It must stop providing Israel $4 billion a year to occupy
Palestine. Instead of destroying pharmaceutical factories, like the Al Shifa
factory in Sudan that it destroyed with 17 cruise missiles in 1998, the U.S.
should lift its economic sanctions against Sudan and the other countries of the
region. If there is to be peace, the people of Palestine and the people who
suffer U.S. military occupation in the region must enjoy genuine
self-determination and justice.
Today we must build a new anti-war movement that is so large and determined
that it is impossible for the government to ignore. We encourage everyone to
join International A.N.S.W.E.R.- Act Now to Stop War & End Racism. Visit
this growing anti-war coalition's web site, www.internationalanswer.org, to find out how you can become an
organizer in your city or on your campus.
Genocidal war on LIBYA
NATO’s war in Libya was proclaimed as a humanitarian intervention — bombing in the name of “saving lives.” Attempts at diplomacy were stifled. Peace talks were subverted. Libya was barred from representing itself at the UN, where shadowy NGOs and “human rights” groups held full sway in propagating exaggerations, outright falsehoods, and racial fear mongering that served to sanction atrocities and ethnic cleansing in the name of democracy. The rush to war was far speedier than Bush’s invasion of Iraq.
In another NATO war crime, NATO bombs civilian targets to terrorize people in Sirte. Down below is a video of the 90-unit apartment building that NATO bombed last night. This was a major component of the 350 civilians that were killed last night by NATO TERRORIST ATTACK.
As Canada's involvement in this criminal aerial war against Libya, I would dearly love to see NATO be brought to a war crimes tribunal for their crimes against humanity. However, I am not holding my breath that that will be coming anytime soon....
I fully agree with Russia's push for investigation into civilian deaths in the Libya war. By all estimates, some 40,000+ innocent civilians were intentionally murdered in that brutal campaign to force Libya into the evil Rothschild empire criminal hands, and the world must know the absolute truth about this act of cold blooded murder.
SYRIA: NATO's Next "Humanitarian" War?
The objective is to dispel the tide of media lies and government propaganda, which presents the events in Syria as a "peaceful protest movement".
While the Syrian government and military bear a heavy burden of responsibility. it is important to underscore the fact that these terrorist acts --including the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children-- are part of a US-NATO-Israeli initiative, which consists is supporting, training and financing "an armed entity" operating inside Syria.
The evidence confirms that foreign intelligence operatives, according to reports, have integrated rebel ranks:
Americas genocidal war on IRAQ :
Casualties of innocent iraqi civilians by the demonic satanic government of america n israel .This is COLD BLOODED MUDER .and the rest of the world watches ,what a shame .
Genocidal war in Afgansitan
Genocidal war on LIBYA
NATO’s war in Libya was proclaimed as a humanitarian intervention — bombing in the name of “saving lives.” Attempts at diplomacy were stifled. Peace talks were subverted. Libya was barred from representing itself at the UN, where shadowy NGOs and “human rights” groups held full sway in propagating exaggerations, outright falsehoods, and racial fear mongering that served to sanction atrocities and ethnic cleansing in the name of democracy. The rush to war was far speedier than Bush’s invasion of Iraq.
Max Forte has scrutinized the documentary history from before, during, and after the war. He argues that the war on Libya was not about human rights, nor entirely about oil, but about a larger process of militarizing U.S. relations with Africa. The development of the Pentagon’s Africa Command, or AFRICOM, was in fierce competition with Pan-Africanist initiatives such as those spearheaded by Muammar Gaddafi.
Far from the success NATO boasts about or the “high watermark” proclaimed by proponents of the “Responsibility to Protect,” this war has left the once prosperous, independent and defiant Libya in ruin, dependency and prolonged civil strife.
Libya War - The Truth Is Viral
The real reasons behind the overthrow of Moammar Gadaffi's government are exposed in this episode of The Truth Is Viral. Under orders from a cabal of international bankers, the CIA trained and equipped al-Qaeda terrorists and set them on a path of revolution that ended with a new Libyan Central Bank and the black flag of al-Qaeda flying over the Benghazi courthouse.
Assisted by NATO forces and Qatari Army Soldiers and supplied with weapons by the Qataris, these al-Qaeda terrorists succeded in removing the Libyan leader from power before brutally murdering him. Now, as the "legitimate" government of ibya, the NTC is waging a genocide against black Libyans, African guest workers, members of Gadaffi's tribe, and his supporters. You'lll never see this in the Mainstream Media
The Criminal NATO War On Libya: NATO's Depraved Disregard For Libyan Civilian Casualties
It should be obvious by now that the NATO war against Libya was conducted with total disregard for civilian life. More and more evidence, including my last article, is coming out about how the NATO aerial war against Libya killed tens of thousands of innocent Libyan civilians and injured many more. The net result of that barbaric war is a Libya that is now totally shattered and years from recovery.
For this article, I want to present the following report from Uruknet.info, at www.uruknet.com, entitled: "NATO's Depraved Disregard For Libyan Civilian Casualties", that gives a scathing account of the murder of countless Libyan civilians resulting from NATO's brutal air campaign against that country.
For this article, I want to present the following report from Uruknet.info, at www.uruknet.com, entitled: "NATO's Depraved Disregard For Libyan Civilian Casualties", that gives a scathing account of the murder of countless Libyan civilians resulting from NATO's brutal air campaign against that country.
Earlier also NATO had bombed a hospital in Sirte, after bombing a hotel and residential apartments in intensified terror attacks. Almost 400 innocent people have been killed in these terror attacks.
This is not the first time NATO has bombed such facilities in support of Human Rights. Previously NATO bombed a clinic in Zlitan, then NATO bombed a University in Tripoli, then NATO bombed a peace conference in Brega, bombed a village, bombed farms, bombed food storage facilities, bombed water pipe lines, bombed repair factory for water pipelines..... etc etc
In another NATO war crime, NATO bombs civilian targets to terrorize people in Sirte. Down below is a video of the 90-unit apartment building that NATO bombed last night. This was a major component of the 350 civilians that were killed last night by NATO TERRORIST ATTACK.
As we mentioned before, NATO has intensified its terror attacks, mainly because it has failed to defeat those who came in defence of Libya. Instead, NATO has decided to target women and children to show how powerful it is, and what its weapons are capable of. In NATO's latest intense terror attacks in Sirte, over 354 innocent women and children were murdered, no mercy, no condemnation, no regret, just blunt murder and no comment.
These cowardly attacks against innocent, defenseless, women and children is an attempt to spread terror and chaos in liberated towns, but Libyan people are not willing to give up being free and independent.
Living through 6 months of terror bombings, tortures, gruesome murders, mass abductions and rapes, Libyans have still refused to surrender against Imperialists.
This shows their patriotism to their nation's independence.
Living through 6 months of terror bombings, tortures, gruesome murders, mass abductions and rapes, Libyans have still refused to surrender against Imperialists.
This shows their patriotism to their nation's independence.
As Canada's involvement in this criminal aerial war against Libya, I would dearly love to see NATO be brought to a war crimes tribunal for their crimes against humanity. However, I am not holding my breath that that will be coming anytime soon....
I fully agree with Russia's push for investigation into civilian deaths in the Libya war. By all estimates, some 40,000+ innocent civilians were intentionally murdered in that brutal campaign to force Libya into the evil Rothschild empire criminal hands, and the world must know the absolute truth about this act of cold blooded murder.
Libya War EXPOSED - Rothschilds Finish Off Gaddafi
So do you guys still believe Reuters Song "Libya has NO DEMOCRACY?"
* Libya GDP per capita - $ 14,192
* Libyan Unemployment benefit - $ 730
* Each Libyan family member subsidized by the state gets annually $ 1.000
* Salary for nurses - $ 1.000
* For every newborn in Libya is paid $ 7.000
* Libyan bride and groom receive a $ 64 thousand to purchase flats.
* Major taxes and levies prohibited.
* To open a personal business a one-time financial assistance of $ 20.000
* Education and medicine are free in Libya.
* Educ.Internships abroad - at government expense.
* Stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic foodstuffs.
* Part of pharmacies - with free dispensing.
* Loans for buying a car and an apartment - no interest.
* Real estate services are prohibited.,
* Buying a car up to 50% paid by the State.
* No Payment for electricity for the population in Libya.
* Sales and use of alcohol is prohibited.
* Petrol is cheaper than water. 1 liter of gasoline - $ 0.14
* Libya GDP per capita - $ 14,192
* Libyan Unemployment benefit - $ 730
* Each Libyan family member subsidized by the state gets annually $ 1.000
* Salary for nurses - $ 1.000
* For every newborn in Libya is paid $ 7.000
* Libyan bride and groom receive a $ 64 thousand to purchase flats.
* Major taxes and levies prohibited.
* To open a personal business a one-time financial assistance of $ 20.000
* Education and medicine are free in Libya.
* Educ.Internships abroad - at government expense.
* Stores for large families with symbolic prices for basic foodstuffs.
* Part of pharmacies - with free dispensing.
* Loans for buying a car and an apartment - no interest.
* Real estate services are prohibited.,
* Buying a car up to 50% paid by the State.
* No Payment for electricity for the population in Libya.
* Sales and use of alcohol is prohibited.
* Petrol is cheaper than water. 1 liter of gasoline - $ 0.14
Contrary to popular belief, Libya , which western media described as "Gaddafi's military dictatorship" was in actual fact one of the world's most democratic States.
Gaddafi's Libya Was Africa 's Most Prosperous Democracy
Genocidal war on SYRIA
SYRIA: NATO's Next "Humanitarian" War?
The Global Research's Online Interactive I-Book Reader, brings together, in the form of chapters, a collection of Global Research feature articles, including debate and analysis, on a broad theme or subject matter.
“In order to facilitate the action of liberative (sic) forces, ...a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals. ...[to] be accomplished early in the course of the uprising and intervention, ...
Once a political decision has been reached to proceed with internal disturbances in Syria, CIA is prepared, and SIS (MI6) will attempt to mount minor sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents within Syria, working through contacts with individuals. ...Incidents should not be concentrated in Damascus …
Further : a “necessary degree of fear .. frontier incidents and (staged) border clashes”, would “provide a pretext for intervention... the CIA and SIS [MI6] should use … capabilities in both psychological and action fields to augment tension.” (Joint US-UK leaked Intelligence Document, London and Washington, 1957)
The objective is to dispel the tide of media lies and government propaganda, which presents the events in Syria as a "peaceful protest movement".
The "protests" did not emanate from internal political cleavages as described by the mainstream media. From the very outset, they were the result of a covert US-NATO intelligence operation geared towards triggering social chaos, with a view to eventually discrediting the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad and destabilizing Syria as a Nation State.
Since the middle of March 2011, Islamist armed groups --covertly supported by Western and Israeli intelligence-- have conducted terrorist attacks directed against government buildings including acts of arson. Amply documented, trained gunmen and snipers including mercenaries have targeted the police, armed forces as well as innocent civilians. There is ample evidence, as outlined in the Arab League Observer Mission report, that these armed groups of mercenaries are responsible for killing civilians.
While the Syrian government and military bear a heavy burden of responsibility. it is important to underscore the fact that these terrorist acts --including the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children-- are part of a US-NATO-Israeli initiative, which consists is supporting, training and financing "an armed entity" operating inside Syria.
The evidence confirms that foreign intelligence operatives, according to reports, have integrated rebel ranks:
"As the unrest and killings escalate in the troubled Arab state, agents from MI6 and the CIA are already in Syria assessing the situation, a security official has revealed. Special forces are also talking to Syrian dissident soldiers. They want to know about weapons and communications kit rebel forces will need if the Government decides to help.
“MI6 and the CIA are in Syria to infiltrate and get at the truth,” said the well-placed source. “We have SAS and SBS not far away who want to know what is happening and are finding out what kit dissident soldiers need." " Syria will be bloodiest yet, Daily Star). (emphasis added)
The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is a creation of the US and NATO. The objective of this armed insurrection is to trigger the response of the police and armed forces, including the deployment of tanks and armored vehicles with a view to eventually justifying a military intervention, under NATO's "responsibility to protect" mandate.
A NATO-led intervention is on the drawing board. It was drafted prior to the onset of the protest movement in March 2011. According to military and intelligence sources, NATO, Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been discussing "the form this intervention would take".
US, British and Turkish operatives are supplying the rebels with weapons. Britain's Ministry of Defence confirms that it "is drawing up secret plans for a NATO-sponsored no-fly zone [in coordination with its allies] "but first it needs backing from the United Nations Security Council." (Syria will be bloodiest yet, Daily Star). According to these secret plans: "fighting in Syria could be bigger and bloodier than the battle against Gaddafi".(Ibid ).
A "humanitarian" military intervention modeled on Libya is contemplated. NATO Special Forces from Britain, France, Qatar and Turkey are already on the ground inside Syria in blatant violation of international law. Reports from British military sources (November 2011) confirm that:
"British Special forces have met up with members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA)... The apparent goal of this initial contact was to establish the rebel forces' strength and to pave the way for any future training operations. ... More recent reports have stated that British and French Special Forces have been actively training members of the FSA, from a base in Turkey. Some reports indicate that training is also taking place in locations in Libya and Northern Lebanon. British MI6 operatives and UKSF (SAS/SBS) personnel have reportedly been training the rebels in urban warfare as well as supplying them with arms and equipment. US CIA operatives and special forces are believed to be providing communications assistance to the rebels." Elite Forces UK, January 5, 2012 (emphasis added)
The Social and Political Context in Syria
There is certainly cause for social unrest and mass protest in Syria: unemployment has increased in recent years, social conditions have deteriorated, particularly since the adoption in 2006 of sweeping economic reforms under IMF guidance. The later include austerity measures, a freeze on wages, the deregulation of the financial system, trade reform and privatization. (See IMF Syrian Arab Republic — IMF Article IV Consultation Mission's Concluding Statement, 2006).
Moreover, there are serious divisions within the government and the military. The populist policy framework of the Baath party has largely been eroded. A faction within the ruling political establishment has embraced the neoliberal agenda. In turn, the adoption of IMF "economic medicine" has served to enrich the ruling economic elite. Pro-US factions have also developed within the upper echelons of the Syrian military and intelligence.
But the "pro-democracy" movement integrated by Islamists and supported by NATO and the "international community" did not emanate from the mainstay of Syrian civil society.
The wave of violent protests represents a very small fraction of Syrian public opinion. They are terrorist acts of a sectarian nature. They do not in any way address the broader issues of social inequality, civil rights and unemployment.
The majority of Syria's population (including the opponents of the Al Assad government) do not support the "protest movement" which is characterised by an armed insurgency. In fact quite the opposite.
Ironically, despite its authoritarian nature, there is considerable popular support for the government of President Bashar Al Assad, which is confirmed by the large pro-government rallies.
Syria constitutes the only (remaining) independent secular state in the Arab world. Its populist, anti-Imperialist and secular base is inherited from the dominant Baath party, which integrates Muslims, Christians and Druze. It supports the struggle of the Palestinian people.
The objective of the US-NATO alliance is to ultimately displace and destroy the Syrian secular State, displace or co-opt the national economic elites and eventually replace the Syrian government of Bashar Al Assad with an Arab sheikdom, a pro-US Islamic republic or a compliant pro-US "democracy".
Pro-government rally, Damascus, March 2011
The Insurgency: The Libya Model
The insurgency in Syria has similar features to that of Libya: it is integrated by paramilitary brigades affiliated to Al Qaeda, which are directly supported by NATO and Turkey.
Reports confirm that NATO and Turkey's High Command are providing the rebels with weapons and training: "NATO strategists are thinking more in terms of pouring large quantities of anti-tank and anti-air rockets, mortars and heavy machine guns into the protest centers for beating back the government armored forces." (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011)
Military sources also confirm that Syrian rebels "have been training in the use of the new weapons with Turkish military officers at makeshift installations in Turkish bases near the Syrian border." (DEBKAfile, Ibid). Recent reports confirm that British and Qatari Special forces are on the ground in the city of Homs, involved in training rebel forces as well as organizing the supply of weapons in liaison with the Turkish military.
As in the case of Libya, financial support is being channelled to the Syrian rebel forces by Saudi Arabia: "Ankara and Riyadh will provide the anti-Assad movements with large quantities of weapons and funds to be smuggled in from outside Syria" (Ibid). The deployment of Saudi and GCC troops is also contemplated in Southern Syria in coordination with Turkey (Ibid).
NATO's activities are not limited to training and the delivery of weapons systems, the recruitment of thousands of "freedom fighters"` is also envisaged, reminiscent of the enlistment of Mujahideen to wage the CIA's jihad (holy war) in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war:
This recruitment of Mujahideen was part of NATO`s strategy in Libya, where mercenary forces were dispatched to fight under the helm of "former" Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) Commander Abdel Hakim Belhadj.
The Libyan model of rebel forces integrated by "Islamic brigades" together with NATO special forces has been applied to Syria, where "Islamist fighters" supported by Western and Israeli intelligence are deployed. In this regard, Abdel Hakim`s LIFG brigade has now been dispatched to Syria, where it is involved in terrorist acts under the supervision of NATO Special Forces.
The Central Role of US Ambassador Robert S. Ford
US Ambassador Robert S. Ford was dispatched to Damascus in late January 2011 at the height of the protest movement in Egypt. (The author was in Damascus on January 27, 2011 when Washington's Envoy presented his credentials to the Al Assad government).
At the outset of my visit to Syria in January 2011, I reflected on the significance of this diplomatic appointment and the role it might play in a covert process of political destabilization. I did not, however, foresee that this destabilization agenda would be implemented within less than two months following the instatement of Robert S. Ford as US Ambassador to Syria.
The reinstatement of a US ambassador in Damascus, but more specifically the choice of Robert S. Ford as US ambassador, bears a direct relationship to the onset of the protest movement in mid-March against the government of Bashar al Assad.
Robert S. Ford was the man for the job. As "Number Two" at the US embassy in Baghdad (2004-2005) under the helm of Ambassador John D. Negroponte, he played a key role in implementing the Pentagon's "Iraq Salvador Option". The latter consisted in supporting Iraqi death squadrons and paramilitary forces modelled on the experience of Central America.
It is worth noting that Obama's newly appointed CIA head, General David Petraeus played a key role the organization of covert support to rebel forces and "freedom fighters", the infiltration of Syrian intelligence and armed forces, etc. Petraeus led the Multi-National Security Transition Command (MNSTC) "Counterinsurgency" program in Baghdad in 2004 in coordination with John Negroponte and Robert S Ford at the US Embassy in Baghdad
The Insidious Role of the Western media
The role of the US-NATO-Israel military alliance in triggering an armed insurrection is not addressed by the Western media. Moreover, several "progressive voices" have accepted the "NATO consensus" at face value. The role of CIA-MI6 covert intelligence operations in support of armed groups is simply not mentioned. Salafist paramilitary groups involved in terrorist acts, are, according to reports, supported covertly by Israeli intelligence (Mossad). The Muslim Brotherhood has been supported by Turkey, as well as by MI6, Britain's Secret Service (SIS) since the 1950s
More generally, the Western media has misled public opinion on the nature of the Arab protest movement by failing to address the support provided by the US State Department as well as US foundations (including the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)) to selected pro-US opposition groups.
Known and documented, the U.S. State Department "has been been funding opponents of Syrian President Bashar Assad, since 2006. (U.S. admits funding Syrian opposition - World - CBC News April 18, 2011).
The protest movement in Syria was upheld by the media as part of the "Arab Spring", presented to public opinion as a pro-democracy protest movement which spread spontaneously from Egypt and the Maghreb to the Mashriq. There is reason to believe, however, that events in Syria, however, were planned well in advance in coordination with the process of regime change in other Arab countries including Egypt and Tunisia.
The outbreak of the protest movement in the southern border city of Daraa was carefully timed to follow the events in Tunisia and Egypt.
In chorus they have described recent events in Syria as a "peaceful protest movement" directed against the government of Bashar Al Assad, when the evidence amply confirms that Islamic paramilitary groups are involved in terrorist acts. These same Islamic groups have infiltrated the protest rallies.
Western media distortions abound. Large "pro-government" rallies (including photographs) are casually presented as "evidence" of a mass anti-government protest movement. The reports on casualties are based on unconfirmed "eye-witness reports" or on Syrian opposition sources in exile. The London based Syria Observatory for Human Rights are profusely quoted by the Western media as a "reliable source" with the usual disclaimers. Israeli news sources, while avoiding the issue of an armed insurgency, tacitly acknowledge that Syrian forces are being confronted by an organized professional paramilitary.
The absence of verifiable data, has not prevented the Western media from putting forth "authoritative figures" on the number of casualties. What are the sources of this data? Who is responsible for the casualties?
Dangerous Crossroads: Towards a Broader Middle East Central Asian War
Escalation is an integral part of the military agenda. Destabilization of sovereign states through "regime change" is closely coordinated with military planning. There is a military roadmap characterised by a sequence of US-NATO war theaters.
War preparations to attack Syria and Iran have been in "an advanced state of readiness" for several years.
US, NATO and Israeli military planners have outlined the contours of a "humanitarian" military campaign, in which Turkey (the second largest military force inside NATO) would play a central role.
We are at dangerous crossroads. Were a US-NATO military operation to be launched against Syria, the broader Middle East Central Asian region extending from North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border with China would be engulfed in the turmoil of an extended regional war.
There are at present four distinct war theaters: Afghanistan-Pakistan, Iraq, Palestine and Libya.
An attack on Syria would lead to the integration of these separate war theaters, eventually leading towards a broader Middle East-Central Asian war.
In Part I of the online interactive I-Book, an introductory essay is presented.
Part II examines the nature of the US-NATO-Israel sponsored insurgency, including the recruitment of terrorists and mercenaries. It also includes an examination of a 1957 Anglo-American covert intelligence plan to destabilize Syria and implement "regime change". The 1957 plan envisaged the triggering of "internal disturbances as well as the mounting of "sabotage and coup de main (sic) incidents" by the CIA and MI6. What this essay suggests is continuity, i.e. today's Intel. Ops, while more sophisticated than those of the Cold War era, belong to realm of DÉJÀ VU.
Part III examines the complicity of the "international community" focussing respectively on the role of non-governmental organizations, the dynamics within the United Nations Security Council and role of the Arab League, acting on behalf of Washington.
Part IV centers on the insidious role of the corporate media, which has carefully distorted the facts, providing systematically a biased understanding of the causes and consequences of the Syrian crisis.
Part V focusses on the broader military agenda and the process of military escalation in the Middle East.
The road to Tehran goes through Damascus. A US-NATO sponsored war on Iran would involve, as a first step, a destabilization campaign ("regime change") including covert intelligence operations in support of rebel forces directed against the Syrian government.
A war on Syria could evolve towards a US-NATO military campaign directed against Iran, in which Turkey and Israel would be directly involved. It would also contribute to the ongoing destabilization of Lebanon.
It is crucial to spread the word and break the channels of media disinformation.
A critical and unbiased understanding of what is happening in Syria is of crucial importance in reversing the tide of military escalation towards a broader regional war.
Now on the contrary can other countries who dont like this imperialist power of israel,usa,britain barge into their country and do what they did here in the middle east terrian and bring their presidents to the roads and murder them in public play the same dirty politics they play with other countries??? why not it only seems the right thing to do ...
Just like how they bombed hiroshima and nagasaki they must face a scenario equalant to that since their citizens dont stop them from waging war and protest , they only deserve a healthy doze of the same shit they do to everyone around the world.
The world is slowly being taken over by the satanic group government .
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