Tuesday, April 2, 2013


  They must stop this insane slaughter of the most precious asset in the world,innocent children and civilians!  human life, immediately. This blog will show irrefutable proof that they are ignoring the pleas from the United Nations and global community to stop this insane path that that can only lead to World War III if they continue their barbaric agenda of trespassing and aggression! They can only cry WOLF so long before the rest of the world begins to see their deception.
Let me qualify these statements by saying that I am not anti-Israel. I am against their leaders that persist in fabricating acts of aggression to achieve their own agenda! I am against their leaders that would rather make war than make even one attempt to find a peaceful solution with their surrounding neighbors!

Does this look like targeted bombing or does it look like a residential area in Gaza?
Netanyahu is a leader that cannot be trusted. During the Presidential elections in the United States he let the world know of the strained relations between President Obama and himself. He attempted to manipulate the elections by supporting Romney. He held secret meetings with him while he visited Israel and even held fund raising events with sympathetic supporters for Romney during his visit.

Massive bombing of what looks like another residential area in Gaza.
Netanyahu uses his alliance with the United States as a sledge hammer to threaten and intimidate the so called enemies and neighbors of Israel. President Obama has told the world that any attack upon Israel would result in a coordinated retaliation by both Israel and the United States.


These pictures are representative of the attacks being waged upon the Gaza by Israel.
When I say that the some leaders of our countries cannot be trusted I think back to President Bush in my own country. He started a war with Iraq based on falsified satellite images showing missile silos with nuclear missiles in them ready to be launched. Once we invaded Iraq and beat them into submission there were no weapons of mass destruction found anywhere. Like Bush, Nitanyahu will say anything and do anything to achieve his agenda.


Now lets look at a little history to prove my point.
Stage 1: The green area shows the land that belonged to Palestine back in 1946. The white area shows the land that belonged to Israel.
Stage 2: The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine and Israel back in 1947. This is the same guidelines that President Obama suggested as a starting point for Palestine and Israel in proposed peace talks. Israel ignores and rejects these guidelines even though they are supported and recognized by the international community.
Stage 3: Shows the slow deterioration of these boundaries by Israel from 1949 to 1967. This has been done through aggressive military action by Israel against Palestine.
Stage 4: Shows the present boundaries of Palestine and Israel as they exist in 2012. It is quite clear from this drawing that the insidious intention of Nitanyahu is to take over all of the lands occupied by the Palestinians! It doesn't matter to him how many innocent children or people have to killed in order to fulfill this objective.
The next series of photos are very graphic and horrible but must be shown to illustrate my point. I ask that you look at all of them no matter how difficult it may be for you to do so.

These photos are all of innocent dead children that have been murdered by the Israelis in the most recent military campaigns in Gaza. Burn these images in your minds! If your heart screams out in sorrow and anger then you know the things that I am also feeling!
This is what war looks like my friends. It doesn't matter if it is in Gaza, Iraq, Iran, Syria, or Afghanistan! Your leaders and politicians do not care! They are not the ones dying these horrible deaths. They are safe in their plush offices surrounded by the wealth they accumulate by making war a priority and necessity!
I shall see these images emblazoned in my mind until the day I die. I feel such sickness, sadness, and sorrow to the very core of my soul. Where is our humanity? Where is our compassion? Where are all those that would say NO MORE! NEVER AGAIN! END THIS INSANE WASTE OF PRECIOUS LIFE! MAKE PEACE NOW!
If the human race is to survive it must stop making war now! Nitanyahu can change! He must step up to the plate and become a true world leader, one that is responsible for his actions, and places the lives of everyone as the most important priority in his life. He must become a peacemaker instead of a war monger. He must understand that if he doesn't change, all of his neighbors will unite against against him and the next pictures of lifeless children may be from his homeland of Israel.
Here you see mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters, and doctors trying to save the lives of their loved ones. Some of them are beyond help and already passed on. But more importantly you see loving, caring human beings. You see the suppressed overcoming all obstacles and having the will to struggle on in the most difficult of circumstance. Pray for them but more importantly stand up for them. Tell Israel to stop this insane war!

These photos show the massive destruction to the buildings in Gaza. Hospitals, schools, factories, churches, businesses, and residential homes have been totally destroyed. The images are reminiscent of Hurricane Sandy here in the United States only more severe! The cost of rebuilding Gaza will be astronomical in a country in which the economy has been wiped out! It will require substantial global aid to rebuild this nation! If things were fair, Israel should be forced to pay restitution for this atrocity!

These are the results of another Israeli war in Gaza called Operation “Cast Lead” which began on December 27, 2008 and ended on January 18, 2009. All of the preceding photos are typical representations of the atrocities, deaths and destruction found in this military campaign.

Palestinian victims, according to Gaza medics:
-- 1,205 killed, including:
-- 410 children (under 16)
-- 108 women
-- 113 elderly men
-- 14 medics
-- 4 journalists
-- 5,300 wounded

Israeli victims, according to medics:
-- 13 killed in combat and rocket attacks, including:
-- 10 soldiers (nine in combat, one in rocket attack)
-- three civilians in rocket attacks
-- dozens wounded

-- 2,500 targets hit by Israeli air force and navy inside Gaza, including:
-- four UN-run schools
-- a compound of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees
-- two media buildings
-- 16 medical centres
-- 16 ambulances

-- 778 rockets and mortars fired by Gaza militants into Israel, with most of the projectiles that landed inside the Jewish state hitting houses, but also hitting several schools and a kindergarten.

Damage in Gaza: (figures from Palestinian statistics bureau)
-- 475.9 million dollars of damage to infrastructure
-- 500 million dollars in estimated clean-up costs
-- 4,000 residential buildings destroyed
-- 16,000 residential buildings damaged
-- 1,500 commercial facilities damaged, including factories, shops, metal
-- 51 government buildings destroyed, including ministries and police
-- 18 schools and other education buildings
-- 20 mosques destroyed
-- 50 kilometres of roads destroyed.

Netanyahu must be held accountable for the atrocities committed against the citizens of Gaza. Having the right for Israel to exist does not preclude the rights of Palestinians to exist on their own land, land which has been illegally, wrongfully, and blatantly stolen from them while the global community has stood by and done nothing to stop this heinous crime! I am amazed and shocked that with all the suffering that the Jewish people were subjected to by Adolph Hitler, that they are now committing similar atrocities upon other human beings. Lets take a very detailed look at the past actions of Israel and how it relates to the entire Middle East community.

The following chart shows a list of countries having active nuclear warheads and their possible agendas in the Middle East:

U.S. 1,950 Protect Israel and interests, oil, trade, promote democracy
Russia 2,430 Oil, trade, protect interests in region.
United Kingdom 160 Oil, trade, protect interests in region.
France 290 Oil, trade, protect interests in region.
China 180 Oil, trade, protect interest in region.
India 80 Oil, trade, protect interests in region.
Pakistan 90 Oil, trade, protect interests in region.
Israel 80-200 More land for exploding population, oil, trade

The above chart shows the number of nuclear warheads that each country has and highlights the common interests that each is actively and aggressively promoting for their own agenda: Oil, trade, and protection of their own interests! Make no mistake, this is not a mutual coalition of countries that has the best interests of the Middle East at heart! They are rapidly growing nations that need and must have these commodities for their own growth, survival, and bottom line … for their own profit! Everything always seems to keep coming back to money .. and the only people that will profit is the super rich! Any one of these countries (except Israel, the U.S. and U.K.) would sell, and have sold, weapons and/or nuclear technology to Iran in order to promote and secure their own agenda.

The next chart shows the only countries in the Middle East with active nuclear warheads.
India 80
Pakistan 90
Israel 80-200

This chart shows an important imbalance of power in the middle east. Israel is the only country with an intimidating arsenal of nuclear warheads. Here is a list of Israel's neighbors that do not have nuclear weapons: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, and Afghanistan. Imagine the horrific specter of intimidation and fear that these militarily disadvantaged neighbors are living under. This nuclear arsenal does nothing to promote peace, trust, or friendship to Israel's neighbors. It does give them the incentive to secretly develop and build their own nuclear arsenals! Israel must look through the eyes of their neighbors to understand what they are seeing and feeling about Israel!

This certainly raises questions as to why Israel has amassed such a lopsided nuclear advantage and threat to regional stability. What is their agenda. They certainly do not need it to protect their country from their neighbors. They already have the worlds latest and most advanced armada of conventional weapons; aircraft, missiles, drones, tanks, bunker bombs, etc. Why do they need and have nuclear missiles?

In June of 1981 Israel unilaterally bombed and destroyed a nuclear facility in Iraq. Israel claimed that the the facility was on the verge of producing refined plutonium for nuclear weapons and had to be destroyed. It was later confirmed by independent investigators that the nuclear facility was incapable of producing weapons grade plutonium.

On September 6, 2007, Israel unilaterally bombed a site in Dair Alzour, Syria which it believed to be a non-operational nuclear reactor under construction. U.S. intelligence officials did not believe that the site was meant for weapons development, noting that there was no reprocessing facility at the site. On June 23, 2008, IAEA inspectors were allowed to visit the destroyed site. They did not find sufficient evidence to prove Syria was developing nuclear weapons. Are you beginning to see a pattern developing?

Analysis of these consequences were that the Arab countries would become unified in their attempts to obtain and produce nuclear weapons and to protect and conceal these facilities in underground locations. This is exactly what has happened and once again Israel is spouting the same rhetoric about Iran as they did about Iraq back in 1981 and about Syria in 2007!

In all fairness to Israel, the land that their nation was founded upon in 1948 was won at a very dear price. 6,373 Israelis died in that conflict. Their land was baptized with the blood of their own people. They have earned the "right to exist" and be recognized as the Nation of Israel! But the land of Israel was also baptized with the blood of 8,000-15,000 Arabs that died fighting to protect the land that was once claimed as their home. Disputes over boundaries and sporadic acts of aggression have delayed peaceful negotiations and a responsible and equitable agreement to end this conflict for over 63 years, into the present day.

Along with the "right to exist" comes a greater responsibility to respect, honor, and help all of the countries of the middle east grow and evolve into responsible, politically stable, 21th century global citizens. You must have a vision of a world of peace, love, and prosperity for all and not one of isolationism and aggression!

This is not an attack on the Israel nation. It is a factual account of their past aggression's and an exposure of their irresponsible leaders that would bring their country and the world to the brink of Armageddon! I love all people of the world, including Israel, and would like to present them an alternative to war. That alternative is for Israel's leaders to reassess their actions, directions, and philosophies and become true negotiators and advocates for world peace, love, and prosperity for all!

The name for the current Israeli military operation in Gaza is Operation“Pillar of Cloud”. What a prophetic and ominous name! To the Jewish people the “Pillar of Cloud” comes from “a direct biblical allusion to the divine cloud which guided the Israelites through the desert and shielded them from those who might do them harm”. To me the “Pillar of Cloud” is shown in the above picture which represents the path that the Israeli nation may be manifesting for our world. Statistics for this current operation are sketchy and will only be known in the weeks to come. As of two days ago there were 131 deaths in Gaza including 23 children.


Who is responsible for starting the latest conflict in Gaza. Israel blames Hamas, saying it fired increasing numbers of rockets into the Jewish state over the past few months until Israel was forced to respond to make them stop. Hamas says Israel set off the current round of conflict when it assassinated a Hamas leader last week.
As a point of interest, fairness, and comparison I am going to present a more detailed view from the Palestinians. This is the Palestinian account of the same events!

Israel has again attacked Gaza. In its aerial and ground assault that began on Saturday, November 10th, at least 7 Palestinians have been killed, 5 of them civilians, 3 of whom were children. Up to 52 others, including 6 women and 12 children, have been wounded.

As in every vicious military offensive Israel carries out in Gaza, the dominant narrative is that it is a response to rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel. This is how it’s being reported in the US, and this is how virtually every American understands it. And it’s a lie!

It’s true that on Saturday, prior to the expanded Israeli bombardment, the military wing of the Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine shot an anti-tank missile at an Israeli Defense Forces vehicle near the Gaza border, wounding four Israeli soldiers. But what prompted the firing of the anti-tank missile?

First, on Monday, November 5th, Israeli forces shot and killed 23 year old Ahmad Nabhani when he “approached the border fence with Israel.”According to at least one account, Nabhani was mentally challenged.

Then, on Thursday, November 8th, the Israeli Occupation Forces – eight tanks and four bulldozers, to be exact – invaded southern Gaza, shooting and killing a 13-year old boy. Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (via):

According to investigations conducted by PCHR, at approximately 16:30 on Thursday, as a result of the indiscriminate shooting by IOF military vehicles that had moved into the ‘Abassan village, 13-year-old Ahmed Younis Khader Abu Daqqa was seriously wounded by a bullet to the abdomen. At the time he was shot, Ahmed had been playing football with his friends in front of his family’s house, located nearly 1,200 meters away from the area where the IOF were present.

So, even if honest observers brush to the side the cruel and inhumane Israeli blockade on Gaza and refuse to let it influence the equation of exactly which side started this flare up of violence, it is clear Israel started this latest clash. And in response to the response, Israel has waged a harsh, disproportionate military assault.

This would be a simple thing to understand if, for example, Western media bothered to ask the other side what happened. Palestinian news media immediately reported that the anti-tank missile Israel was supposedly responding to was admitted to by the Popular Resistance Committees, who described it as “revenge” for preceding Israeli violence on Gaza. But that basic task of honest journalism is apparently out of the question.

Every single Israeli incursion or attack on Gaza is accompanied by the same narrative: Israel fairly responded to unprovoked Palestinian rocket fire. The last major war on Gaza, Operation Cast Lead in December’08-January ’09, also carried this narrative. Israel committed war crimes in that one-sided conflict, targeting and killing hundreds of civilians, using indiscriminate weapons, and intentionally destroying civilian infrastructure. It has become an accepted fact –even among critics of Israel – that the offensive was a response to Hamas rocket fire. The rocket fire did indeed occur immediately before the assault, but it was in response to Israel’s breaking of the six-month cease-fire, which even Israeli officials in WikiLeaks cables admitted Hamas had kept to.

The Israeli narrative of relentless fire from Gaza and so called barrages of rockets is almost embarrassing for one knowing the facts:

Resistance against a violent oppressor is a legal right, resistance started using ‘rockets’ first in 2001. The Total Deaths from Qassams and mortars within Israel: 21

Israeli forces have killed nearly 2,300 Palestinians and injured 7,700 in Gaza over the last five years, as reported by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Israeli killed 1500 people of which 352 were children in 22 days during Cast Lead

Israel used over 3000 Tons of bombs on Gaza in 22 days during Cast Lead of which 75 tons consisted of Depleted Uranium and other forbidden weaponry

Israeli defense specialists have said the Qassam rockets are merely a psychological threat than a physical one.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights says more than 800 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have killed in Israeli drone strikes in the Gaza Strip over the past five years.

Tel Aviv killed more than 1,400 Palestinians in its December 2008 and January 2009 wars on Gaza.

Our global leaders have proven that they are incapable of controlling and guiding Israel towards a permanent, peaceful and equitable settlement to the Palestinian crisis. This struggle has been ongoing since 1946! Israel must be forced to abide by the original U.N. Partition established in 1947! As far as their concerns about Jerusalem, though peaceful negotiations, an international city could be agreed upon which would allow Israel and Palestine to share the holy institutions of this city with the entire world!

As I am writing this blog news is coming in about the possibility of of a cease fire being agreed upon within hours. This is great news! But I am a realist, and know this is just another cease fire among an endless list of cease fires. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her way to Israel right now. President Obama has been on the phone with Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi three times today! At the moment, the deal is far from being agreed upon. Netanyahu is indicating that only a long term solution will be acceptable otherwise they will continue their plans for a ground invasion! Here again he seems to be saying, “My way, or the highway”!

There is only one way to end this insanity! We the people of the greater global community must stand up and be heard! Remember the photos of the dead children on this blog. We must organize globally to make our voices be heard! Tell our leaders to stop the killing in Gaza! Tell our leaders to stop all wars! Tell our leaders to begin eliminating all nuclear weapons around the world! It is our lives, our world, that is at stake in their fumbling of efforts to make peace! If you like this blog send links to all of your friends to get them involved in this movement! Put it on facebook, and tweet it up on twitter! The power of a united global community is a force to be reckoned with! And take time to pray for the children and citizens of Gaza! Take time to pray for global peace!

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